When Your Heart Speaks, Listen

“The mountains are calling, and I must go”

~John Muir, 1873

Hello Beautiful Soul-

Have you ever felt called to a place, unexplainably, like a deep knowing from within?  Where your heart knows before your head and it’s exactly where you’re meant to be? 


Last May, I decided to tag along for the first time with my husband on a business trip to Virginia.  The days he had meetings, I found myself slowing down immensely, casually wandering around town, taking in the newness and presence of my surroundings.  One afternoon I dropped in a hot yoga class, another I had a Thai massage and on one morning I spent hours in a French café, sipping on a latte and grazing on French cuisine.   I loved not having a schedule, being alone and exploring a new place. It was exciting and my heart felt free. 

Several days later as my husband and I were driving, I noticed a billboard which stated the mega million amount and it was ridiculously large. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Then we passed another billboard with the same advertisement and then a third time, which had me pause... I had a half second glimpse of being on top of mountain in California in a home with floor to ceiling windows with 360 degree views of the beautiful landscape and I blurting out-loud, “if I had 113 million dollars I would build a beautiful modern home on top of a California mountain with spectacular views.”  The thought seemed incredibly exciting and every cell in my body connected to this vision of living on the West coast, free as a bird connecting to the land, dancing, laughing and having fun. 

My husband Dominic quickly replies, “Why do we need $113 million dollars to move out there, why can’t we just go?!”  

My heart skipped a beat with his response and a magnetic pulse ran through my entire body. My thought quickly went through my life at the present moment.   My youngest is a senior in high-school, my business is always shifting to the flow, I would LOVE a CHANGE…. “what is stopping us?!” 

Dominic and I quickly started aligning to the “YES!” and Universe began to open doors.  Within a month, Dominic was able to secure an open position within his company in Northern California.   We flew out and found an area where we connected to and we told our 4 kids.  For the last 7 months we have been intentionally cleaning out our home, selling and donating so we can drastically downsize.  And by the end of February, the rest of our belongings will be shipped out West as we fly off to the mountains and follow where our hearts are calling.


My emotions have been overwhelming.  I have cried as I have sifted through 40 + years of memories living in Georgia and especially the last 18 years of raising my kids in our current home.  I have discovered how beautiful endings can be as they make room for grand and exciting beginnings.  I keep finding freedom in letting go of material possessions and practicing non-attachment.  I have found myself closer than ever before to my soulmate who I am giddy to share in this next chapter of our lives.  I am filled with gratitude every minute of the day knowing that all the work I have put into myself and the seeds I’ve planted over the years are blossoming so beautifully.


If I didn’t slow down and BE fully present, I would have missed the signs, literally!  If I let fear and doubt get in the way, I would have not allowed myself to be aligned with the YES!  I do not know exactly how things are going to unfold as I embark on this journey, but I do know that I have never felt so free as I do know.  I have never felt so aligned with my heart as I do now.  And I am fully aligned to receiving the magic from the Universe. 


As you welcome the energy of the NEW YEAR, and today’s first New Moon of 2024 - I ask that you listen to what your heart speaks and always say YES!  When you align with the frequency of your heart, the Universe will continue to open doors for you. 


Sending much love,



Dena Totaro