What is Energy Healing?

Hello My Beautiful Souls!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  I feel like a kid when decorating the tree with the kids' ornaments, listening to Christmas music, or baking cookies with Isabella and Gianni and watching classics like It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story.   I try to live in the present as much as possible, whether it involves studying every expression my children display when opening presents, or relishing every joyful moment or deep conversation with family and friends because I feel it is over as quickly as it arrives.  Before you know it, thoughts of the New Year take over and contemplations of goals, passion & direction take over.  As I help people deal with the stresses of the holiday season, I've received calls from friends & associates asking what do I do and how can I help them achieve their goals, change their mindset and/or pursue their passions.  Because of this, I want to dedicate this blog post to my work as an Energy Healer and answer the question I get asked so many times.... “So, what exactly do you do and how can it help me?”

As a healer, I help individuals work through past traumas, illnesses, old behaviors patterns and grow personally and spiritually by charging and clearing their personal energy field.  After my sessions, most people feel very relaxed, focused and clear – like they’ve been to a spa or just finished meditating.  When your energies are grounded, balanced, charged and/or cleared, you can really feel the difference.  A subtle shift in your energy field can sometimes lead to a big breakthrough in life. 

Humans tend to hold onto emotions or feelings of stress, grief, guilt, anger, etc., and these manifest into physical and emotional pain, which can consume our energy centers.  When I scan your personal energy field, I assess what is blocked or out of balance, and then use various modalities (depending on what is going on with you) to break through these energetic blocks, bringing them to the surface and ultimately releasing them from your body.  By doing so, the body has an inherent ability to heal itself.

How can Energy Healing help me?


Here are just a few examples from clients that have had sessions with me:

·      Let go of old feelings of guilt and/or regret that hold you back.

·      Ease the pain of depression and find the joy in everyday life.

·      Release anxiety and replace it with calmness and confidence.

·      Soothe anger at its root and move in the direction of compassion.

·      Be able to forgive whether it's ourselves or others.

·      Help gain clarity about which career path leads to fulfillment & joy.

·      Tap into your intuition and lead with your heart.


·      Lose weight by releasing energy the body has been holding.

·      Digestion issues & inflammation

·      Muscular & joint pain

Every one of us has something unique to learn or experience.  I’ll help you find the tools you need to remove the blocks, so you can attain greater health, clarity & possibilities. 

Here are a couple testimonials from clients I’ve been working with:

“Dena is my guiding light!  The work that I’ve done with Dena in a short period of time has given me enormous amounts of clarity about my job and my personal life.”  Kathy G.

“I came to see Dena because I felt stuck in my marriage and I was depressed all the time.  Dena worked wonders and helped me open my heart, regain confidence in myself and helped me move forward.  She is a natural healer!”  D.K.

Come experience for yourself!  I'm having an open house the entire month of January and booking 30 minute sessions where you can experience the magic first hand.  Contact me HERE to book your session, so I can help you release stress, anxiety & pain.  The experience of joy, balance & love await you in 2018!

Much love,


Upcoming Events:  21 day Sugar Detox – Starting in February!  Join me as I start a 21-day detox of all sugars from the holidays!  I will blog about food prepping, while presenting easy-to-prepare meals/snacks, and discuss how to get rid of toxins and/or sugar cravings so your body will be ready for bathing suit season!  Subscribe to my Newsletter below to join in the fun and get recipes, tips and more! 

*The information here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.


Dena Totaro